
The 38th parallel sperated North and South Korea, but wasnt intended as a permanent boundary. This divided Korea's resources with industry in the North and agriculture in the South. Creating two new nations, one was communist and the other was nationalist. The South, headed by Syngman Rhee, surrendered to the United States while the communists formed the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, led by Kim Il Sung. North Korea attacked first, on June 25, 1950. Being on the South's side, President Truman takes military action. He orders naval and air support. On June 27, 1950 the Americans call on other nations to help the republic of South Korea, the UN Security adopts this idea. The only problem was that the Soviet Union was boycotting the UN because of their refusal to recognize communist China. In the end, the 16 nations sent 520,000 troops to assist the South; 90% were US and were put under the command of General Douglas MacArthur.


The Cold War, between the USA and the USSR, began in 1945. This war was built on tension and the fear of each other. Both the countries dreaded the other attacking and were scared of fighting directly. With the Soviet's atomic bombs in Cuba and the United States' in Turkey, if the United States launched their atomic bombs then the Soviet Uion could see them coming with satellites and set off their bombs. This would end with killin of Soviets and Americans. The result was fighting indirectly, they played havoc with conflicts in different parts of the world. Sometimes they would even fight with words, threatening and denouncing each other. They both had different reasons for fighting; the USA wanted to stop the spread of communism, whereas the USSR wanted to continue to spread communism more. Over the years, the leaders on both sides changed and the cold war continued on as a major force in world politics. Although the war did come to an end somewhere between the time the United States and the Soviet Union improved relations and the Berlin Wall came down.

The USA!

The USA!

Political Cartoon

Political Cartoon

Atomic Bomb

Atomic Bomb

