
The U-2 was a plane that could take pictures of what it would fly over, the CIA used this plane to make secret flights over the Soviet Union to take pictures. The U.S. finds out that the Soviet Union has lied about their nuclear weapons. When the U-2 goes to make another flight, the Soviets knowing and angered by this, the plane is chot down by a soviet pilot. The pilot of the American U-2 is taken prisoner. Eisenhower takes full responsibility for this, he goes in for a meeting with Khruschev who is very upset and ends up walking out of the meeting. This begins the 1960s with very much tension between the Americans and the Soviets.


Great job! It sounds great! One idea to throw out there would be to go on a little more on how the U-2's helped America find out about the Cuban missiles! But really good job!

This is a really good example! It is like in the movie how the pilot is informed not to get shot down. He had to lie about it to prevent tension and this shows how much damage it could have done!

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